Mastering Law of Attraction
Quickly and effortlessly eliminate your limiting beliefs and achieve all your desires through Law of Attraction.

Mastering Money using Law of Attraction
Various practices for attracting wealth into your life.
Personal mentorship through LOA
Unique practices to overcome various issues in life through Law of Attraction.

Energy Transformation Session
Everything is energy. What we see is energy. What we have is energy. This world itself is a form of energy.If a person knows the benefits of energy , then he/she will achieve everything.
On-Call Consultation of LOA
All your doubts on manifestation, visualization, law of attraction, meditation will be clarified with the unique LOA practices.

Fees & Duration
Check Individual Workshop page
Mode of Workshop
Daily Message to your WhatsApp number or Separate Facebook Group
- Enroll your friend with you and get 50% OFF on your fee
- Flat 50% OFF for College/School students