Live your dream life, Now!

Manifest your desire through Law of Attraction.
I guide you effectively applying the Law of Attraction in your life…

Law of Attraction Simplified – unique practices by

Certified LOA Life Coach

Rajesh Vairapandian

Various Coaching on Law of Attraction

Fill your life with abundance of happiness, health & wealth

Quickly and effortlessly eliminate your limiting beliefs and achieve all your desires through Law of Attraction

Unique practices to overcome various issues in life through Law of Attraction

Various practices for attracting wealth into your life





Faster Manifestation


Innovative Visualization

LOA Simplified


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Satisfied CLIENTS
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Knowledge of the existence of the Law of Attraction is a huge benefit in itself. Most people live their entire life and never realize that their thoughts are creating their reality.
How to achieve it?

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“I always dreamt of visiting my brother in USA , had a lot of plans to backup funds for my trip , but something was lacking. After joining this workshop and with complete mentorship of Mr. Rajesh , I could so easily manifest my trip not just to USA to my brother but also to a couple of other exciting destinations so very magically and with zero expenses! I was called for a visit by my Head Quarters and this entire trip was bared by them!! 🙂 🙂 🙂

I flew in Emirates Business class, lived in the most expensive and luxury accommodations , and had an amazing trip”

Deepthi India
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“I got UNEXPECTED appreciation from my boss and client. Received unexpected  money, a long relationship problem solved without my effort. Most importantly, my source of income is doubled now as I got the idea for another income. It is a real shocker for me. All of our friends know Rajesh is an extremely helping person who always come in and lend his help. But this is something life changing. I am going to recommend this session for all of my friends and relatives, Thanks Rajesh, be our shining star always!”

S.K.Sudhakar Johannesburg, South Africa
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“I have always wanted to travel around the world specially Europe (London at least) but couldn’t manifest for years. I joined a LOA course designed by Rajesh Sir for manifesting our desires quickly through visualization practices. Surprisingly within few weeks everything happened so magical that I traveled LONDON,PARIS, SWITZERLAND,ITALY AND ROME in one stretch. I am extremely grateful to RAJESH SIR for helping me manifest my dreams”
Padmini Hyderabad, India